I have just received my settlement agreement

I have just received my settlement agreement – what do I do next?

All you need to do is email us at hello@kilgannonlaw.co.uk or call on the contact number below:

0800 915 7777

There is no charge for a free initial telephone consultation in which we can gain a better understanding of your situation and can give some initial advice on what to think about/do next. 

If you decide to instruct us, then most cases follow the following steps:

Firstly, you will need to send us the settlement agreement and any other supporting documents, such as, any relevant letters you have received from your employer, your contract of employment etc. When we speak with you, we will help identify the documents we need.

Secondly, from our initial call we may have enough information to provide the advice to you or we may need to speak further or meet to gather additional information. Once we have all the background information, we will then be able to advise you on your options. 

1 To accept the offer if it’s appropriate in the circumstances for you to do so. If it is, we can ensure its signed off then and there to keep your legal fees to a minimum and in line with your employer’s contribution; or

2 To negotiate on the terms of the settlement agreement. This could be to seek a change to the wording/clauses of the settlement agreement, including the provision of a reference, or, more likely it will be to seek improved financial terms; or

3 To play for time, as the longer you remain employed, the more you should earn by way of salary and the longer your benefits will continue. It also gives you more time to begin looking for a new job and the longer you remain employed, the more your employer will need to deal with you; an important negotiating tool; or

4 To adopt some other action, if warranted. This may involve submitting a grievance or triggering ACAS early conciliation.

Thirdly, if you decide to negotiate on the terms we will agree with you who is best to undertake the negotiation and what to say. Depending on the situation, sometimes it’s better that you negotiate, for example, where you may have a good relationship with your employer and/or you may be senior within business. By you negotiating, it helps keep your legal fees to a minimum, as the more work we do, the more its likely to cost; although you may be able to agree our work on a fixed-fee basis. 

If we agree that we should undertake the negotiation, we will prepare and send you a draft letter for you to approve. Usually, we adopt a “firm but fair” approach where we highlight the key issues, set out your position and seek the changes required. 

Fourthly, once any negotiation is completed, we will then advise you on the terms of the settlement agreement so as to conclude the matter. 

Lastly, if terms cannot be agreed then we will be able to advise and support you on the next steps and the implications of them. This could mean that you remain employed or it may mean triggering ACAS early conciliation; ultimately looking to bring an Employment Tribunal claim. Having advised you to this point, we will be able to ensure you are in the strongest possible position and can continue to support you if you decide to litigate and issue a claim before the Employment Tribunal. 

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